Calorie tracking for Generation X Tamás Tóth Intro (skip if you are in a hurry) If you have born well before smartphones or even mobile phones were a thing, there is a good chance you might not want them to rule your whole day or in case of our ... calories diet tracking Jul 25, 2023 0 634
Tracking your progress - Workouts, steps Tamás Tóth As I mentioned, I got a Xiaomi Mi Band 4 for my birthday in 2020, started tracking everything I could right away. The official mobile application as always wasn't too good on the statistics side, but ... miband progress steps tracking workout xiaomi Jun 23, 2023 0 415
Tracking your progress - Weight Tamás Tóth I have started my weight loss journey with the beginning of 2020, but only started tracking after I got some devices for my birthday (Xiaomi Mi Band 4 and Xiaomi Scale; not a requirement, but it allow... miband progress tracking weightloss xiaomi Jun 22, 2023 0 419
Tracking your progress - Diet, improved Tamás Tóth The advantage of having your own Google Sheets document for diet tracking is that you can improve it along the way and Sheets/Excel are quite powerful. The attached image is the improved version 6 mon... calories diet googlesheets meals progress thresholds tracking Jun 21, 2023 0 430
Tracking your progress - Diet Tamás Tóth Weight loss is 70% diet, 30% workout and everything else, so I also created my Google Sheets document for tracking daily consumption. I have started this at the end of March 2020, and for the first 2 ... calories diet meals progress tracking Jun 20, 2023 0 410
Tracking your progress - Workout Tamás Tóth As they say in the software world, Microsoft Excel is your first competition, it is a very powerful tool with little knowledge required, if you don't find the "There's an app for that", then you can t... excel googlesheets progress tracking workout Jun 19, 2023 0 389